Pastoral Care
Pastoral care is an important part of our life
and ministry at St. Mark's
Prayer Chain
When a need for special prayers is identified, the St. Mark’s Prayer Chain is notified immediately. Some parishioners are called and some are notified by e-mail. Prayers begin immediately, to surround each person with love and the healing light of Christ. Some of our "prayer warriors" have been participating in this important ministry for decades. Our Prayer Chain is an important part of who we are and what we do at St. Mark’s.
Home Visits
Home visits are available upon request by Fr. Mike, Parish Leadership or Pastoral Care Team. Contact us to connect!
Lay Eucharistic Ministry
St. Mark’s has an active group of Lay Eucharistic Ministers, who take communion to people who are home-bound or hospitalized. This, too, is an important part of our ministry. We believe that everyone who wishes it should have access to Holy Communion on a regular basis.
Hospital Visits
Any member who notifies us of a hospitalization receives visits from both the Rector and other members.
Healing Ministry
Any member who notifies us of a hospitalization receives visits from both the Rector and other members.